Note: as my cocreator and I are early in the process of fleshing out Delfi, much of this section is incomplete and will be updated over time.
Grass type; the Little Snake Pokémon
Evolves into Floracate at level 16
Aero: While it’s usually as friendly as it looks, it’s fierce when pushed, mustering surprising strength when it needs to protect its trainer.
Hydro: Though its temperament usually matches its friendly looks, Floragment will defend its trainer fiercely, bringing out strength from determination.
Name origin: flora + fragment
Grass type; the Twin Snake Pokémon
Evolves from Floragment at level 16 and into Floractal at level 36
Aero: Though its two heads typically get along, a more sensitive trainer may find Floracate overstimulating, as they have to communicate with each other vocally.
Hydro: Their two heads get along, but they also chatter with each other a lot, so it takes a certain kind of trainer to want to be around them.
Name origin: flora + furcate
Grass/Fairy type; the Fractal Snake Pokémon
Evolves from Floracate at level 36
Aero: Its golden fruit are said to cure any disease. Whether that’s a fact or a myth is still unknown, as its four heads guard them fiercely.
Hydro: There’s an unproven theory that its golden fruit can cure any disease when eaten. However, there’s no record of anyone being able to pick one to see.
Name origin: flora + fractal
Water type; the Pure-Hearted Pokémon
Evolves into Khernipure at level 16
Aero: Due to its unique properties, the water that makes up parts of its body stays perfectly shaped and doesn’t get its fur wet.
Hydro: Miraculously, the living water that makes up parts of Pupure’s body doesn’t get its fur wet.
Name origin: pup + pure
Water type; the Loving Pokémon
Evolves from Pupure at level 16 and into Kherniklaw at level 36
Aero: While it grows much more powerful when it evolves from Pupure, Khernipure remains gentle and affectionate as a rule.
Hydro: Its increased size and power makes the trademark physical affection of some less self-aware Khernipure quite bothersome.
Name origin: khernips + pure
Water/Dragon type; the Protector Pokémon
Evolves from Khernipure at level 36
Aero: While its talons can be intimidating in trainer battles, they’re only used in the wild to rescue smaller Pokemon from dangerous situations.
Hydro: Its talons are powerful when fighting in trainer battles, but Kherniklaw’s only natural use for them is as tools to help other Pokemon.
Name origin: khernips + claw
Fairy/Water type; the Kitten of the Sea Pokémon
Evolves into Dactylpurr at level 33
Aero: Judging from fossil records, Purrnard is most closely related to a now-extinct terrestrial species from the cat family.
Hydro: Though it’s now fully adapted to aquatic life, it retains many of the feline features of its terrestrial ancestors.
Name origin: purr + flying gurnard
Fairy/Water type; Sea Cat Pokémon
Evolves from Purrnard at level 33
Aero: Hypnotists have extensively studied the shifting colors on the edges of Dactylpurr’s wing-like fins due to their mesmerizing effect.
Hydro: If a trainer isn’t careful, they may go into a trance from watching the shifting colors on their Dactylpurr’s “wings” too intently.
Name origin: Dactylopterus + purr
Psychic type; the Cranium Pokémon
Does not evolve
Name origin: coral + cerebellum
Ghost type; the Cemetery Pokémon
Evolves from Eevee when leveled up after using a Revive in battle
Name origin: Thanatos + eon
Bug type; the Pillow Pokémon
Evolves into Matresquito at level 33
Aero: Its wings suggest an ability to fly, but they’s too small and weak to become airborne, and it must hop around to move.
Hydro: Despite having wings, it can move only by hopping around. Many infant Pilopest struggle with this and get stuck face down on the ground.
Name origin: pillow + pest
Bug type; the Pillow Pokémon
Evolves from Pilopest at level 33
Aero: While is body is now much larger, Matresqito’s new wings are also much stronger, allowing it to fly.
Hydro: Now able to fly, Matresqito can maneuver its bulky body surprisingly well, with its four wings allowing for good control.
Name origin: mattress + mosquito
Ghost type; the Candle Pokémon
Evolves into Waxidae at level 30
Aero: Though its ghostly fire isn’t capable of setting a fire itself, a Waxia infestation is almost always a sign that a building will burn down soon.
Hydro: Watch out for Waxia infestations in your home—almost every building that develops one is bound to burn down soon.
Name origin: wax + Wiwaxia
Ghost type; the Candle Pokémon
Evolves from Waxia at level 30
Aero: It is often found among the ruins of burned buildings, creating an eerie sight as it hovers in midair.
Hydro: While it’s capable of swimming through the air, Waxidae mainly is rarely seen moving, instead hovering in midair as it haunts the ruins of burned buildings.
Name origin: wax + -idae
Steel type; the Little Claw Pokémon
Evolves into Delfian Luxio at level 15
Aero: Its wool-like metal fur is good for cleaning other pieces of metal, so mechanics often have Shinx as ‘assistants’, having them rub against things they need cleaned.
Hydro: Shinx are commonly kept my mechanics, as their pelts are good for cleaning dirty metal, and they can be trained to rub against it.
Name origin: shock/shine + sphinx/lynx
Steel type; the Sharp Claw Pokémon
Evolves from Delfian Shinx at level 15 and into Delfian Luxray at level 30
Name origin: lux + leo
Steel type; the Knife Claw Pokémon
Evolves from Delfian Luxio at level 30
Name origin: lux + x-ray
Normal/Flying type; the Wool Pokémon
Evolves into Malloreep via Shiny Stone
Aero:Because its fleece doesn’t build up static electricity as easily as Johtonian Mareep’s does, the Mareep of Delfi are used for it to make clothing and artisan blankets.
Hydro: Delfian artisans take advantage of the native Mareep’s wool, much more pleasant to the touch than Johtonian Mareep’s, to craft things such as blankets and socks.
Name origin: Mary + sheep
Fairy/Flying type; the Golden Fleece Pokémon
Evolves from Delfian Mareep via Shiny Stone
Aero: Its wool is somehow even softer than Mareep’s, so many farmers set aside some of their budget for Shiny Stones to evolve one or two from their flock.
Hydro: You can tell when a farmer’s business is booming when many of their former Mareep have evolved into Malloreep, which can be very costly.
Name origin: Chrysomallos + Mareep
Rock/Bug type; the Pillar Pokémon
Evolves into Delfian Crustle at level 34
Aero: The intricate designs at the edge of Dwebble’s rocky “pillar” have inspired architects and other artists since the professions began.
Hydro: The intricate designs the structure on Dwebble’s back sports are commonly seen in Delfian art from both ancient and modern times.
Name origin: dwelling + pebble
Bug/Fire type; the Fire Shrine Pokémon
Evolves from Delfian Dwebble at level 34
Aero: Ancient Delfian temples are so similar to the structures on Crustle’s back that inspired the architecture that many children think it goes the other way around.
Hydro: Miraculously, the shape and proportions of the stones on Crustle’s back needed no adjustment to form suitable structures for the ancient Delfian temples inspired by them.
Name origin: crust + crustacean + crab + castle
Electric/Psychic type; the Saucer Pokémon
Does not evolve
Aero: The beam it shines from its underside stuns small Pokemon on the ocean floor, which it then takes the opportunity to eat.
Hydro: It hunts using a beam shone from its underside. Smaller Pokemon are stunned by it, giving it the chance to prey on them.
Name origin: stingray + repulsor beam
Grass/Fairy type; the Dandy Pokémon
Does not evolve
Aero: Many humans have been inspired by the females' dapperness and the males' beauty in their nonconforming style expression.
Hydro: Thanks to Dandyleo, roses and sunflowers have become symbols of male femininity and female masculinity among humans.
Name origin: dandy + dandelion + lion
Psychic/[Fire, Water, Flying, Ground] type; the Oracle Pokémon
Does not evolve
Aero: The four different cards it holds in its bag allow it to change its type makeup. However, not even experts know the origin of the bag.
Hydro: Experts still haven’t pinned down the source of the bag each Arcarda carries, which allows it to switch between four different types.
Name origin: arcana + card
Water type; the Oil Spill Pokémon
Evolves into Ichthyoil via Fire Stone
Aero: Though it produces it naturally from glands on its back, the oil that covers Piscetrol has the same chemical composition as gasoline.
Hydro: The oil from its back has the same chemical composition as gasoline; because of this, laws have been passed to protect it from poachers.
Name origin: pisces + petrol
Water/Fire type; the Grease Fire Pokémon
Evolves from Piscetrol via Fire Stone
Aero: The flame on its back is inexplicably immune to the quenching power of the water Ichthyoil lives in.
Hydro: Scientists theorize that if the flame on its back, which is impervious to water, were ever to go out, Ichthyoil would die.
Name origin: ichthyology + oil
Rock/Ghost type; the Marble Pokémon
Evolves into Marodel at level 28
Aero: Marblock is technically the name of the spirit that’s come to inhabit the block; before that spirit found its home, it was nothing more than a chunk of marble.
Hydro: When someone dies near the marble ruins located around Delfi, their spirit may become a Marblock and possess some of the stone.
Name origin: marble + block
Rock/Ghost type; the Statue Pokémon
Evolves from Marodel at level 28
Aero: Tired of its formless state, the spirit inhabiting Marblock has evolved to Marodel by psychokinetically sculpting itself into the shape of another Pokemon.
Hydro: Marodel is less of a unique Pokemon and more of a variation of Marblock, having sculpted itself into the shape of another Pokemon.
Name origin: marble + model
Psychic type; the Symbol Pokémon
Does not evolve
Aero: They resemble the ancient words carved into many of the ruins around Delfi. However, the nature of this relationship is still unknown.
Hydro: Though they seem connected to the ancient words carved into the ruins of Delfi, experts still haven’t figured out what the connection is.
Name origin: corruption of 'unknown'
Dark type; the Mask Pokémon
Does not evolve
Aero: While they mainly live in the ruins of primitive theatres, some say Buskreature will occasionally haunt modern ones as well.
Hydro: Some actors swear that they’ve seen Buskreature after hours at the theatres they perform in, but this hasn’t been confirmed.
Name origin: (sock and buskin) + creature
Poison/Water type; the Maze Pokémon
Does not evolve
Aero: While hunting, it uses its maze-like pattern and odd, angular movements to hypnotize its prey.
Hydro: Moving only in 90-degree angles, it confuses its prey with the maze-like pattern on its scales.
Name origin: labyrinth + eel
Bug/Flying type; the Hubris Pokémon
Evolves into Hubrifly via Sun Stone
Aero: TBA
Hydro: TBA
Name origin: Icarus + insect
Fire/Flying type; the Hubris Pokémon
Evolves from Icarinsect via Sun Stone and into Meltamoth after fainting during a battle against a Fire type Pokémon
Aero: TBA
Hydro: TBA
Name origin: hubris + fly
Ghost/Bug type; the Hubris Pokémon
Evolves from Hubrifly after fainting during a battle against a Fire type Pokémon
Aero: TBA
Hydro: TBA
Name origin: melt + moth
Fairy type; the Lovey-Dovey Pokémon
Evolves into Cupideer via Fire Stone
Aero: Delfian folklore claims that befriending a Fawnd heralds a new romance in one’s life. Many still consider it a good luck charm, regardless of the less whimsical reality.
Hydro: In olden times, earning the friendship of a Fawnd was said to bring good luck in romance. While most people nowadays don’t really believe that, it’s still celebrated.
Name origin: fawn + fond
Fairy/Fire type; the Lovey-Dovey Pokémon
Evolves from Fawnd via Fire Stone
Aero: Traditionally, the Fire Stone used to evolve a Fawnd into Cupideer is given to its trainer by their significant other.
Hydro: A common anniversary gift in Delfi is a Fire Stone to be used to evolve a Fawnd into Cupideer.
Name origin: Cupid + deer
[Fairy/Grass/Ice/Electric] type; the Purebred Pokémon
Does not evolve
Aero: All four of Lynxitty’s ancestors’ forms have been selectively bred into small, cute household pets that are also judged in show rings.
Hydro: Each of its four forms have been selectively bred for their appearance and are popular both as pets and in Lynxitty shows.
Name origin: lynx + kitty
Ground/Rock type; the Stone Feather Pokémon
Does not evolve
Aero: TBA
Hydro: TBA
Name origin: rough + flamingo
Fire/Psychic type; the Barrier Pokémon
Does not evolve
Aero: The heads that form from the lava on Kompuppy’s body when it’s focusing or overwhelmed hold emotions for it. They can’t sense; they can only feel.
Hydro: When it’s overwhelmed, the sentient lava on Kompuppy’s body houses its emotions for it, allowing its mind to go blank.
Name origin: compartmentalize + Kokoni + puppy
Poison/Dragon type; the Apple Core Pokémon
Evolves into Delfian Flapple via Venom Apple and Delfian Appletun via Poison Apple
Aero: TBA
Hydro: TBA
Name origin: apple + inside
Poison/Dragon type; the Apple Wing Pokémon
Evolves from Delfian Applin via Venom Apple
Aero: TBA
Hydro: TBA
Name origin: flap + apple
Poison/Dragon type; the Apple Nectar Pokémon
Evolves from Delfian Applin via Poison Apple
Aero: Make sure to wash your hands after handling a Delfian Appletun—unlike its Galarian cousins, its nectar is highly poisonous.
Hydro: Don’t make the mistake of licking your fingers after touching a Delfian Appletun; its nectar is equally sweet as a Galarian one’s, but very toxic.
Name origin: corruption of Appletun
Dark/Grass type; the Nature Spirit Pokémon
Does not evolve
Aero: TBA
Hydro: TBA
Name origin: imp + peony
Fairy/Ghost type; the Spinner Pokémon
Does not evolve
Aero: TBA
Hydro: TBA
Name origin: Klothos + Moirai
Psychic/Ghost type; the Measurer Pokémon
Does not evolve
Aero: TBA
Hydro: TBA
Name origin: Lachesis + Moirai
Steel/Ghost type; the Cutter Pokémon
Does not evolve
Aero: TBA
Hydro: TBA
Name origin: Atropos + Moirai